The UAE in line with the “UAE 2021 Vision” aims to be one of the safest countries in the world. Its citizens, residents and visitors along with our thriving communities are our greatest assets and protecting these resources is crucial to sustaining a happy and vibrant community that feels Protected
Meaning ‘protect you’ in Arabic, Hassantuk optimizes our country’s key response to fire and emergency alerts through connected intelligence. The Ministry of Interior (MOI) and the Injazat Data Systems have developed a state of the art integrated VIP platform (verification and Intelligence Platform) to optimize the effectiveness of building safety and security systems, supporting emergency services and procedures and their responses across the UAE.
Supported by an intelligent Alarm Receiving Centre - The ARC, Hassantuk provides real time Receiving Alarm of building safety and security systems. Verified fire and emergency-related alerts are responded to within milliseconds, ensuring buildings are protected 24 hours a day, every day
“Round the clock smart safety Receiving Alarm of all new and existing buildings across the UAE”