How is the system better than existing ones? |
Hassantuk FAQ
Hassantuk can identify the specific type of emergency and its exact location as well as provide building intelligence. This enables Civil Defence to deploy the right personnel and equipment to the right place. It also dramatically reduces Average Emergency Response Time from the current 13 minutes as reported by the Ministry of Interior. The Civil Defence will be fully aware of any genuine fire or life safety emergency in less than 120 seconds allowing the appropriate assistance to be dispatched immediately.” |
Will the system replace existing safety systems? |
Hassantuk FAQ
The system is intended to complement existing emergency response systems and procedures. |
Hassantuk uses state-of-the-art Alarm Transmission Equipment connected to building fire and life safety systems ensuring that any emergency or building maintenance alarms are transmitted to the central Alarm Receiving Center (ARC) within milliseconds. A team of professional ARC operators verifies if the alarm is genuine and reports valid emergencies to the Civil Defence Main Operations Room so that the appropriate assistance can be dispatched immediately or automatically passes maintenance alarms on to the building maintenance company for immediate repair. |
Who is implementing the system? |
Hassantuk FAQ
Hassantuk is a Public-Private Partnership between the Ministry of Interior as represented by the Civil Defence Headquarters and Injazat Data Systems. |
What are its Objective, Vision and Mission? |
Hassantuk FAQ
Objective: The system was developed to support UAE Vision 2021’s goal of making the UAE one of the safest countries in the world. Its objectives are two-fold: Increase the efficiency and speed of response to fire and emergency alerts through a system that complements existing emergency response systems. receiving building fire and life safety alarm systems to ensure their effectiveness and continued maintenance. - Vision: To make the UAE one of the safest countries in the world.
- Mission: To provide solutions that enhance the effectiveness of building safety and security systems and support emergency services
What is the “Hassantuk” UAE Smart Receiving, Alert & Control System? |
Hassantuk FAQ
‘Hassantuk, ‘The UAE’s Smart Receiving Alert & Control System, is the region’s largest automated integrated system for accelerating both emergency responses and building system repairs to ensure 24/7 public safety. It will connect buildings and facilities across the country to an automated Alarm Receiving Center that can request the immediate dispatch of emergency response from Civil Defence for fire and other life-threatening events. It supports the UAE Ministry of Interior’s drive to achieve the highest levels of fire prevention, life safety and emergency readiness across the country. |